The Myths About Feeding Raw
There is no truth that a cats or dog becomes more aggressive after tasting blood in raw meat. In fact, just the opposite is true. Your pet will have a better attention span and will be calmer when maintained on a raw food diet because they will not just “exist” on a high-in-grain/low-in-protein diet.
Another myth is that cats and dogs have been domesticated so long that their bodies have evolved to the point that they can no longer tolerate the foods of their ancestors.
What is the basis of this myth?
We cannot be sure, but perhaps it originated with the commercial pet food industry that tends to offer pet owners foods that contain too many cereals and other undesirables. Regardless, though, no scientific evidence supports the claim that cats and dogs should not eat raw meat.
While it is true that they have been our companion animals for thousands of years, studies have proven that domesticated dogs are genetically related to wolves (Canis lupus) and domesticated cats are genetically related to the larger cats (Felis catus) of Africa. Let us assure that, even though your pet may not consistently hunt for food, their physiology remains unchanged from their ancestors.
Bacteria and Parasites
Microbes such as bacteria, along with parasites and other biological organisms can be of a clear benefit in nature because they can metabolize/decay organic matter (materials that are or that were once alive). Parasites and unfavorable bacteria and other organisms will not promote health in your cat or dog and fortunately many of those organisms cannot survive in an unfavorable environment. The digestive tract of a healthy cat or dog includes organs that are acidic (low pH) environments that can kill bacteria and parasites.Raw food makes the “terrain” unfavorable for bacteria and parasites, thus making that healthy animal an unfit host for those pathogens. People tend to be healthier when their digestives tracts are generally alkaline (high pH). Conversely, our companions having four paws are healthier when their digestive tracts are acidic. And, their shorter intestines move the food through quickly so that the partially-digested food does not sit for hours in the gut, potentially acquiring or propagating viable bacteria growth.