(310) 312 - 6774 4pawsandmore@gmail.com
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“Know Your Options”… But not everyone knows what their choices are. Our mission is to spotlight some of your alternatives.

 Book an Appointment


This is the Book An Appointment Page of Raw! 4 Paws And More.com. Thank you for caring and “thinking outside of the box.” This will be a step in your discovery process about alternative ways to improve the health of yourself and your family. This will be an interesting journey for all.


First Step:
Fill out the questionnaire. That will help each of us decide if we have similar goals and expectations.


Once we review the information provided we will email a link to you within 24 hours. The link will be to the make a payment and book an appointment page of the website.

Thanks again for caring enough to search for alternatives. Together, let’s aim for a mutually beneficial and enlightening experience.


    Step 1 - Questionaire

    Your Name (required)

    Phone (required)

    Email (required)

    1. What is the chief area of concern? What has brought you to Raw! 4 Paws And More?

    Is this an Acute* or Chronic** episode? How long ago did this start? Was there any life changes occurring when these episodes started? E.g. A family member moved away or a family member passed on or a physical trauma occurred shortly before this episode or before the first of several episodes? Was the first episode linked to a Dr. visit? Did the entire family change homes? *Acute=Having rapid onset, severe symptoms, and a short course; not chronic (link to medical dictionary) **Chronic = 1.Of long duration. 2. Designating a disease showing little change or of slow progression. Opposite of acute.

    2. What would you like to see happen as a result of our consultation?

    3. What are you willing to do towards that end? Are you willing to change your animal’s diet? Are you willing to change your animal’s food choices? Add or eliminate food supplements?

    4. Do you know what Homeopathic Remedies are? Have you ever taken Homeopathics before? Like what? Are you familiar with the studies behind homeopathy? Do you know what a Classical Homeopath is? Do you know what a homeopathic proving is?

    5. Is the subject on any medication right now, or within the last week? How many times within the last 1 to 5 years has the subject been on medication? Any kind e.g. flea and tick eliminators? Vaccinations?

    6. What food supplements is the subject on right now or within the last week?

    7. What has the Doctor recommended for improving these episodes? Have there been lab test results or X-rays? Have you tried the recommendations from the Dr.? What results did you get?
